pool liner, Extruded Polystyrene boards, photography, outdoor banners, 2200 x 1500 x 270 cm
The Climate Crisis on Our Doorstep
Art Installation, Exhibition, Reading, 2024
As part of the INDUSTRIE/4 Festival 2024, the so-called Brunner Pond, a publicly accessible swimming pool originally fed by thermal springs, became the setting for a multidisciplinary art project that offered various perspectives on the theme of drought through an installation, exhibition, and reading.
Using materials typically used for pool construction, artist Katrin Bernhardt created an installation featuring oversized outlines of single-celled organisms that live in water. Large-format artworks on banners showed images of dried-up plants and empty stream beds, highlighting the regional impacts of climate change.
The art project was inaugurated with a vernissage on June 14.
On June 27 authors Katrin Bernhardt, Raoul Eisele, Maren Streich, and Clara Heinrich also approached the theme from a literary angle during a reading.
Artistic Concept and execution & project management: Katrin Bernhardt
© Katrin Bernhardt / All rights reserved.